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They are also very effective in delivering results.

MULTICHANNEL An explanatory video is useful almost everywhere. On your website as an always-on submission machine. Spotlight on Your Email Blasts Part of the Perfect Sales Presentation. Next to your booth at trade shows and more. It is a versatile asset designed for high mileage.


GREATER ADOPTION When you create an "a-ha moment" in your prospect's mind, you remove barriers. They go from skepticism to interest, making it easier for you to move from interest to conversion.

TIME ON PAGE Studies have found that landing pages with explainer videos see an 88% increase in time on site and, more importantly, an 80% increase in conversion.



What is an explainer or what the heck?

It is a type of video to explain in a simple way to investors or potential clients what your company does in a minute or less (An Elevator pitch), to make your service or product clear and entertaining in order to gain followers, subscribers, increase sales, obtain resources, etc;

Diseñado por Diablito Animation 2023

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